Mothers of little boys work from son up to son down.

Friday, April 25, 2008


The boys are really, truly playing together now. It is so sweet and makes a mommy very full of pride to watch their relationship evolve now that Dawson is turning into a little boy (although he is still our "baby" and likely will be for quite awhile!). I remember, when I first brought Dawson home, feeling like I had completely wronged Cayden for bringing home this little bundle. Well, now I can't picture Cayden not being a big brother. He is so sweet and loving to "his baby" and thinks he is so wonderful (most of the time, anyway) and you can see in Dawson's big, blue eyes how much admiration he has for his brother. He thinks he is the absolute funniest person who exists (even when mommy isn't really finding that true!) and just watches every move Cayden makes.

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